joi, 20 decembrie 2007

pleoape argintii

Fiori de nea se zareau printre perdelele din casmir prafuit. La geamul de gheata erau frumos aranjate lumanari ce raspandeau o aroma de patchouli prin toata camera, iar lemnele din semineu trosneau, aruncand in aer sclipiri care parca dansau pe melodia care se auzea pe fundal. Ea statea cu picioarele incolacite pe canapeaua alba si nu putea sa nu se uite la bradul impunator de langa scari. Ii trezea o senzatie din copilarie, dar nu stia exact sa o descrie. Stropii de lumina si globurile de matase acopereau tot ce se intamplase de-a lungul anului si ii dadeau impresia ca poate fi fericita.
“Hai sa nu mai mergem tot la petrecerea Paulei si de Craciunul asta.” ii sopti baiatului care statea pe fotoliul auriu, cu un pahat aproape gol in mana.
“Da sigur, hai mai bine sa stam acasa si sa crosetam niste botosei” ii replica rautacios baiatul.
Atunci fata se intinse dupa o carte ce ratacea ostentativa pe masa din lemn de stejar din fata canapelei si i-o arunca drept in fata.
”Au!” se planse baiatul obraznic.
Dupa cateva clipe, puse paharul jos si isi scutura de scame pantalonii. “Ar trebui sa plec” ii spuse fetei si se apleca sa o sarute pe buze.
”Trec maine dupamasa sa te iau” adauga si iesi din camera.
Fata nu spuse nimic, doar astepta cu privirea in gol, sa auda usa de la intrare lovindu-se de gerul de afara. Isi rezema capul de spatarul canapelei si se intoarse intr-o parte. Cobori pleoapele argintii si nu scoase niciun sunet. Simtea aerul greu din juru-i cum pulseaza frenetic pe un ritm pe care nu il intelegea si isi dori sa ii alerge prin vene o emotie adevarata...

Air-Alone in Kyoto

luni, 10 decembrie 2007

Ma asteapta un Tag de la Ela, asa ca...:P

1. Male friend: I don't really think that girls can be best friends with boys. I've had a male best friend a couple of years ago, but one day he told me that he liked me. A lot. It was so wierd, we barely even talk right now.
2. Female friend: I have about 3. I split them in days. ;)
3. Vacation: Last summer at Costinesti ;) and a couple of months ago, at The Outward Bound.
4. Age: I'm ok right now.
5. Memory: I can't pick out just one. But now that i've written about The Outward Bound, I keep remembering all the fun activities we had there. :D

1. Time of day: my math class
2. Day of the week: Sunday evenings are really evil.
3. Food: pumpkin with everything.
4. Memory: I've already Deleted them all.

1. Person you saw: my mom. i have a really bad cold and I have to stay at home so she is always getting me some goodies to eat ;))
2. Person you talked to on the phone: my sister. I think so. I was too fed up with meds last night.
3. Hugged: Denisa
4. Text messaged: again mom.
5: IM: Ale

1. What did you do: i layed in bed and I saw episodes from the Hills untill I felt asleep.
2. Who were you with: my cat
3. Bad/Good day: kind of bad
4. Lose something: a phone call
5. Fall out with someone: sorry, don't know what that means

1. What are you doing now: you might have guessed till now
2. Today in general: i already feel the holiday vibe :)
3. Wearing: a purple scarf :D. ok, not only that
4. What did you eat for lunch: crackers
5. Better than yesterday: hmmm don't know

1. Is: closer to Christmas than today \:D/
2. Got any plans: school...:|
3. Getting Lucky: maybe in other dimension (intrebarea asta ii place la Ellla ;)) )
4. Dislikes about tomorrow: well, i have to wake up at 6, i am at school for like...8 hours and than i have to wait paciently for wednesday's term paper at math.
5. Do you have work?: /:)

1. Number: neah
2. Song: Walk in the park (oh no! oh my!)
3. Color: purple, green
4. Season: all the seasons from The OC :))
5. State: California

1. With someone: i don't know either
2. Missing someone: no
3. Mood: sleepy
4. Wanting: too much

this tag goes to annie, lara, silence and verde. and whoever wants it too.


Oh no! Oh my!- Walk in the park

Katie Melua- Nine million bicycles

vineri, 7 decembrie 2007